GiGi Sosnoski was born in Southern California, but moved to "the greatest city on Earth" (i.e., New York City) at an early age. After attending various schools, ending with the Eastman School of Music, she spent a year working her way around England and Scotland. Though she loved the tranquility of Loch Ness, New York's energy and excitement drew her back to the Big Apple.
After trying her hand at modeling and acting, she moved on to managing VIP relations for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and selling Rolls Royce automobiles to the New York elite. From that she switched to handling public relations for political campaigns, and then to advertising. Coordinating an international rock tour drew her out of New York temporarily, then she came back to handle international conference planning for Arthur Anderson before moving on to trouble-shoot and coordinate projects for the president of Muze, Inc., a top multi-media company organizing and marketing music databases.
GiGi's hard work and dedication made her a success at everything she took on, but even working the long hours demanded by New York companies wasn't enough to absorb all her energy. Building on her life-long interest in music, after office hours she co-produced and co-hosted the syndicated cable television show "Manhattan Lifestyles", covering the raging New York City music scene.
Comfortably established in the glamorous New York lifestyle, her life changed one day when she shook hands with a visiting software developer from Seattle and heard an inner voice say “This is the man you will marry.” After a few months of “Sleepless in Seattle”-style coast-to-coast dating GiGi said goodbye to New York and made the move to the soggy forests of Seattle, where she soon fulfilled the voice's promise.
GiGi had a life-long interest and involvement in the spiritual, encouraged by her two father figures (one a former minister who became a world traveler and adventurer, the other a religious leader and author). In Seattle, she started pursuing this interest more actively, working with the metaphysical and spirtual communities as well as animal welfare groups. Her work with these groups included radio and television appearances to promote worthy causes, with regular appearances on Seattle's Positive Talk Radio show.
GiGi had first started learning Astrology as a child, from her mother. Left alone while her mother pursued a career in finance, GiGi treated the planets as her not-so-imaginary playmates. By her teens she was giving Astrology readings to friends, and as they recommended her to people they knew she started doing paid readings for others. Even with all the other activities in her driven life she always stayed active with Astrology. In Seattle, along with her increasing involvement in the metaphysical community she started seeking out new clients and further developing her own unique style of astrological readings.
From Seattle, she and her soulmate together moved to New Zealand, where she finally made the transition to Astrology readings and life coaching as a full-time career. She now serves her growing International and New Zealand-wide clientele through phone readings, along with in-person readings where possible.
GiGi appears frequently on New Zealand radio and television. For a look at GiGi in action, you can view her TVNZ Good Morning show appearances on YouTube. For more on GiGi's background and a sample of her reading style you can also listen to her radio interview with Mind Body and Soul Radio, including some insights into host Leigh Spencer's chart, here.
Keep Looking Up! is the site for her New Zealand-based business and clients, who can email her at or phone her on 09 950 6760. Positive Skies is the site for her U.S. and international clients, who can email her at